Smoke Lab Aniseed Vodka 750ml

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Aniseed or saunf as it’s known in India, was first discovered in the Mediterranean. Every sip of the Smoke Aniseed makes for a playful exploration of a much-loved Indian herb. Refreshing notes of fennel and liquorice will keep you coming back for more.

5X Distilled – ABV 37.5%

4 in stock

SKU: 7-33268 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,


Cocktail Suggestion – Black Mist

Features the quintessential flavors of the holiday season – notes of liquorice, cranberry and orange are sure to bring a whole lot of cheer to any Christmas party.


60 ml Smoke Lab Vodka Aniseed
2 tsp dried cranberries
1 orange wedge squeezed/ 1 dehydrated orange slice
3 drops orange bitters

In a tumbler pour Smoke Lab Vodka Aniseed and dried cranberries and muddle until flavors are released. Add three drops of orange bitters and squeeze a fresh wedge of orange and drop. Overfill the glass with crushed ice. Garnish with dried cranberries and dehydrated orange.


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