Nonino Il Merlot Grappa 750ml

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Crystalline, soft and round with a hint of rose petals and cherry stones. On the nose, the freshness of the bouquet recalls the moment of pressing the must. It should be served at around 12 ° C or in an iced open tulip shaped glass. Before tasting, it must rest for a few minutes in the glass: oxygenating, the aromas are enhanced, the nose-palate harmony is completed.

ABV 41%

1 in stock

SKU: 5206-12569 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

Discontinued, with the cutting of the heads and tails, in a steam copper alembic.


It should be served at around 12 ° C or in an iced open tulip shaped glass.


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