Ironface Gin 750ml

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Ironnface Gin is created by distilling Grumpy’s, award winning, white corn based Vodka. However on this additional distillation the “sweet” vapors pass through a collection of nine organic botanical’s held in a Gin basket, allowing the spirits to pick up all the necessary flavors before being collected. The botanical’s we selected, to create this unique flavored Gin, were inspired by Traditional Colonial flavors to complement the sweetness of the white corn base. With a hint of licorice and a tad more citrus than expected, it makes a perfect, straight, iced, sipping Gin.

6 in stock

SKU: 5182-849387777 Categories: , Tags: , ,

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

Ironface Gin was awarded a Bronze Medal at the 2015 New York Spirits Competition, in the Gin Category.


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