Brotherhood Riesling 750ml

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Brotherhood’s best selling wine, this beautiful Riesling has delicate floral and lime aromas and full, ripe flavors, off-dry and very fruity. Perfectly balanced, with a long clean finish that suggests enjoying it with salads, crab, or scallops, any mild cheese, or by itself, any time. Our Riesling is our most awarded wine.

Alcohol: 12%
Residual Sugar: O‑-dry (4%; 40g/L)
pH: 3.10
TA=7.0 g/L Tartaric

101 in stock

SKU: 5206-21462 Categories: , , Tags: , , , ,

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs

This noble grape, originally from the Johannisberg region in Germany, found the ideal growing conditions in New York State, particularly the cool rolling slopes of the Finger Lakes region where this Riesling is sourced. Cold-fermented to keep the fresh fruit flavors and aromas, it is bottled the spring after harvest to capture the fruity essence of the Riesling grape.


Our best-selling premium selection, recognized as the blue bottle chosen to be served in the Clinton White House and a winner in all competitions entered.


Perfect as an aperitif or with salads and an excellent accompaniment to any spicy dish, especially ethnic and Asian foods. Superb with sushi and sashimi.


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