Boccadigabbia was once one of the “one hundred poderi,” or individual farms, that made up the Amministrazione Bonaparte of Civitanova. A vast agricultural estate, that for over a century was an influential example of modern rational agriculture. Its favourable southern exposure and the mild sea-side climate have always given Boccadigabbia the reputation as an exceptional spot for viticulture. In the late 1960s, when it was decided to exclusively cultivate grapes on the property, the varieties planted were those traditional to the production of local everyday wine. Unfortunately, this led to the loss of the older varieties, direct descendants of those planted by Hallaire, Napoleon III’s agronomist-superintendent. To recoup this historic loss, a renovation program was launched in 1986 to re-plant the French varieties such as cabernet, merlot and pinot, that had been cultivated there. The goal now reached, was to once again achieve the ancient proverbial high quality of the Amministrazione Bonaparte grapes.
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