Barefoot Red Moscato

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Barefoot puts a colorful twist on traditional Moscato with Barefoot Red Moscato! Refreshingly sweet, Red Moscato dances with all the right fruits. Juicy flavors of red cherry and raspberry shimmy with sweet citrus until the last sip. If you’re looking for sweetness, this is the perfect partner for any song


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In 1965 most people were tinkering with cars in their garage. Davis Bynum was tinkering with wine. He created Barefoot Bynum Burgundy in that tiny room. But our spirited ways really began with our founders, Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey. In 1986, they took a sleepy label and gave it Sole. Both agreed it was time for a wine that didn’t take itself too seriously. So, Barefoot Cellars was created (Bonnie liked the name because it was easy to pronounce) and initially run out of their home. Some say the office was so small you had to go outside to change your mind. Our founders began with two big varietals that were all about bringing the fun back. California Cabernet Sauvignon and California Sauvignon Blanc. Michael and Bonnie searched for the perfect image to represent their new wine. Finally, Bonnie just rolled out some paper, stepped on the biggest inkpad she could find and left her mark. It’s been on our label ever since. Through the years, people have gone head over heels for our wine. We’ve received some amazing recognition and professional awards. More importantly, we’ve made some amazing friends. We have a growing circle of Foot Fans who love to enjoy our wine and join us in giving back. That’s something worth toasting to. So come on and join in. Get Barefoot and Have a Great Time!

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Weight 2 lbs
Cocktail Suggestions:

Ruby Red Punch
Why not celebrate today with some delicious Ruby Red Punch?


1 750 ml bottle Barefoot Red Moscato (chilled)
1 10 ounce jar Maraschino Cherries without stems
10 ounces Ginger Ale (chilled)


Place maraschino cherries and syrup in a punch bowl or pitcher. Add bottle of Red Moscato wine and ginger ale. Stir briefly. Serve over ice. Make sure each glass gets a few maraschino cherries as garnish.


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