99 Schnapps Assorted Packs

Pickup in-store and get 8% off (not applicable to sale items). Delivery ($60min) within 2 miles of store. we cannot ship to AL, AK, AR, DE, HI, IL, IA, KY, MD ME, MI, MS, MT, NM, ND, OK,PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI


Assorted pack includes 12 50ml bottles of 99 Brand Schnapps flavors include 4x apple, 4x espresso, 4x root beer and 4x bananas 

Party Bowl contains 20 50ml assorted bottles of 99 Brand Schnapps. Flavors include 2x apple, 2x bananna, 2x peach and one of each black cherry, blackberry, butterscotch, cinnamon, coconut, grape, orange, peppermint, pineapple, root beer, watermelon, whipped cream, xpresso and mango.


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Weight 2 lbs

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