Serna Imperial Reserva Rioja 2010 750ml

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Brick red deep cov­ered. Clean, com­plex and with a good in­ten­si­ty on the nose. Red fruit aro­mas well con­joined with those of the ag­ing. Bal­sam, spices (pep­per), to­bac­co and leather. Well struc­tured, tasty, large, soft but with char­ac­ter and a good har­mo­ny in its fla­vors. Com­plex and retronasal clean.

70% Tem­pranil­lo, 20% Mazue­lo, 10% Gar­nacha. ABV 13%

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Weight 2 lbs

Lo­cat­ed on the south of Monte Yer­ga on the sun­ny side of the slopes, the Cues­ta de la Reina Es­tate com­mences at an al­ti­tude of 450 me­ters and as­cends to 800 me­ters. The soils, clayey-cal­care­ous, are very poor and with abun­dance of boul­ders. The es­tate of 120 Hectare has be­longed to the fam­i­ly for four gen­er­a­tions and the fam­i­ly it­self has al­ways cul­ti­vat­ed the vine­yard. The av­er­age age of the vines is over 40 years. Fol­low­ing a metic­u­lous mon­i­tor­ing of the vine­yard, the grapes are har­vest­ed at op­ti­mum ma­tu­ri­ty. The har­vest is done man­u­al­ly by se­lect­ing healthy and ripe grapes and re­ject­ing the bad and de­te­ri­o­rat­ed. The Har­vest was done in mid-Oc­to­ber for both the Tem­pranil­lo and the Gar­nacha grapes and at the end of Oct­ber through the first week of Septem­ber the Mazue­lo.. The grapes are col­lect­ed in fruit box­es to avoid any kind of crush­ing.


Fer­men­ta­tion is done in stain­less steel tanks with au­tochthonous yeasts. Up­on com­ple­tion of fer­men­ta­tion, the wine is mac­er­at­ed for at least 10 days. Ag­ing is done in Amer­i­can oak bar­rels with an av­er­age of 5 years of age and re­mains there for at least 14 months. Dur­ing this time, the wine is racked three times. Once the wine is clean, the wine is bot­tled and re­mains in the bot­tle cel­lar be­fore go­ing to mar­ket at least 28 months.

Food Pairing

Jamón ser­ra­no and Iberíco. Aged cheese, red meat, stews and game.


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